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The outstanding characteristics of polyimide

① Outstanding heat resistance

Heat resistance is one of the most outstanding characteristics of polyimide materials. Aromatic polyimide has a special rigid structure, which makes its glass transition temperature generally above 200 ℃, and the thermal decomposition starting temperature is generally above 500 ℃

② Excellent low-temperature resistance

Polyimide materials have the characteristics of ultra-low temperature resistance, even in ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen, it will not be brittle, still can maintain a certain mechanical strength, which is rare in polymer materials.

③ Good mechanical properties

Polyimide has good mechanical properties

④ Good dimensional stability

Polyimide material has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion, which is similar to that of metal. Because of this low coefficient of thermal expansion, PL can be widely used in the manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards

⑤ Good dielectric and insulation properties

The dielectric constant of traditional polyimide materials is generally between 3.0 and 3.6. This kind of polyimide with low dielectric constant can be used as packaging material and insulating material in the microelectronics industry.

⑥ Good radiation resistance

Polyimide materials have good radiation resistance

⑦ Good chemical stability

Ordinary polyimides are not soluble in common organic solvents, and common Soluble Polyimides are only dissolved in some specific polar organic solvents. However, like other aromatic polymers, polyimides are not resistant to concentrated sulfuric acid, concentrated nitric acid and halogen. Polyimide has strong hydrolytic resistance to dilute acid and high stability to oxidant and reducing agent

Under high temperature, its stability is particularly prominent. But it is not resistant to hydrolysis in general varieties, especially alkaline hydrolysis. But this one

However, polyimide is different from other high-performance polymers because of its apparent disadvantages. It can recover the raw materials dizui and diamine by alkaline hydrolysis.

⑧ Good flame retardancy

Polyimide is a kind of self-extinguishing polymer, which can not be self-ignited or combustion supporting. Moreover, the smoke rate is very low. The carbon residue rate after high-temperature combustion is often more than 50%. It is a good heat retardant and flame retardant.

⑨ Non-toxic

Polyimide is non-toxic, can be used to make tableware and medical appliances, and can withstand thousands of disinfection.

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