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Future Development Trend Of Pi Ultrathin Films

PI ultrathin film is a kind of high performance polymer film material developed in recent 10 years. Its excellent comprehensive properties quickly established its top position in the organic film material family. At present, the development direction of PI ultrathin film is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the ultrathin film of standard Kapton type; the other is the research and development of functional PI ultra thin film. For the former, the excellent thermal and mechanical properties of Kapton film ensure the stability of its performance in the process of ultrathin film. The main technical bottleneck of Kapton film lies in the optimization and adjustment of preparation equipment and process parameters. For functional PI ultrathin films, their properties are not only closely related to the equipment and process, but also play an important role in the molecular design of resin structure and the research of new synthesis methods. It is also a challenge to keep the inherent properties of PI films in the future.

Ultra thin PI film has a wide application prospect in modern industry. Foreign countries attach great importance to the research and development of this kind of materials, and mass products have been produced. Due to the special application field of PI ultrathin film, the export restrictions on this material are very strict in foreign countries, and some products are even banned in China. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out relevant research and industrialization work as soon as possible in China.

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