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CEN’s new product far-infrared radiative polyimide heating module

Polyimide fiber has the original far-infrared function, which can actively accumulate the infrared heat emitted by the environment and human body, emit the far-infrared ray suitable for the human body to absorb, and make the human body cells resonate and live.

At the same time, the Far-Infrared Polyimide Heating Module can also reflect the heat of the human body to obtain the effect of keeping warm. Thermal conductivity, also known as thermal conductivity, reflects the diffusion rate of thermal energy through the material itself under a certain temperature gradient. The smaller the thermal conductivity is, the lower the thermal conductivity of the material is, the more difficult it is for the material to export heat out of the body, and the better its thermal insulation is.

Polyimide fabric has a natural antibacterial effect and an obvious antibacterial effect. At the same time, it has a spectrum of antibacterial characteristics. It can kill and prevent the regeneration of cocci and bacilli. The reason is that polyimide can provide a relatively dry surface and destroy the growth environment of bacteria so that bacteria lose their vitality and die.

The antibacterial rate of polyimide fiber against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli was 71% and 76%, respectively (50% for natural bamboo fiber and 75% after acid treatment)

CEN’s new product called a far-infrared radiative polyimide heating module. The module is made of polyimide heaters, electrodes, control devices, and packaging materials. As polyimide film manufacturers We can produce a flexible heating film and the rigid heating film. Alternating current and direct current can both flow,heating temperature can up to 350 degrees. Our innovative radiation resistant polyimide heating plate is unique in domestic and foreign markets for sterilization, high-efficiency heating, and high-temperature resistance.

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